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Image of a woman stretching. Text reads "embracing positive change - our commitment to sustainability"

Our Planet

We’re reducing our carbon footprint, eliminating waste, and committing to Net Zero by 2040—ten years ahead of global targets.

Net Zero isn’t a distant goal. It’s a science-backed goal we’re actively working towards. And just like any serious fitness journey, progress happens step by step, rep by rep.

Image of trees. Text reads: "Net zero by 2040. Aligned with the latest climate science and validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), our goal is to be net zero, in collaboration with the rest of the THG family, and 10 years ahead of the UN's Paris Climate Agreement.
The road to results. Packaging: Reducing the impact of our packaging is central to our net zero goal. Eco delivery: Offering our community more sustainable delivery options. Energy & waste: We’re working hard to make our operations more resource efficient & less wasteful.
Making a material difference. Flavdrops bottles are made from 50% recycled plastic. Vitamin bottles are made from 50% recycled plastic. MP Activewear packaging is made from 95% recycled plastic.
As members of The UK Plastics Pact, we're committed to making100% of our packaging recyclable by 2025.Our tubs can already be recycled in household collections while pouches, and many of our bar wrappers, can be recycled with other soft plastics in supermarkets. Plus, our vitamin, mineral, syrup and Flavdrop bottles are made from 50% recycled plastic.

Join us in Making a Difference

Small Change,Big Impact. Eco Delivery is a simple choice for customers to reducecarbon emissions of their delivery.  The final mile is powered by foot, bike, or electric vehicle.  And every time you choose Eco Delivery, our partner, More Trees, plants a sapling. These projects create jobs, empowering local communities to restore and protect forests, helping to mitigate climate change.
What's to come. Powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2030.

Our Sustainability Pillars


The steps towards a sustainable supply chain & circularity.


Making an impact as a force for good.