Perks you won’t be able to pass up on…

Get 2 weeks free personalised running coaching
Sign up to Runna using the code “MYPMOVECLUB” to get your first 2-weeks of personalised running coaching for free! Only available to new Runna users.Redeem now 
30% off a subscription meal box or 20% off a one-time meal box
Take the stress out of meal planning and fill your fridge with Fuel Hub’s high protein, macro-controlled, athlete approved meal prep. Delivered fresh in eco-friendly packaging and ready to eat in just 3 minutes, Fuel Hub will save you over an hour a day and ensure you’re fuelling your body with premium nutrition. Flexible weekly subscriptions available or order a one-time meal box as and when you need us. Use code: MYPFUEL for 30% off a subscription meal box or MYPFUEL20 for 20% off a one-time meal box,Redeem now