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Why Should I Use A Calorie Counting App?

Writer and expert8 years ago
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  Weight loss is rarely an easy feat for most people, but as always, technology has a solution that may help you to battle the bulge and make life a little easier for you.

Consider an app to help you along on your weight loss journey, most are free and take up minimum space on a smart phone.

Studies have shown that keeping a food diary can make a big difference with weight loss, and an app on your phone is a super handy tool to have for tracking your food intake!

#1 Make weight loss easier

  It can be tough to lose weight at the best of times and extremely frustrating when you think you are doing everything right and it’s not working for you. A common culprit of this is often hidden calories in foods, often those which we consider the healthy choice.

Take for example low fat yoghurt with a fruit layer. This may look like a really low calorie option, and may even have low fat across the front of the packaging. It may however, also have extra sugar added to it to help it taste better with the reduction of fat.

This may not necessarily be that big a deal, but if there are calories present in this and possibly other foods you are eating and are not aware of, this may result in you eating more calories throughout the day than you realise, which could mean you are hitting above and beyond your calorie requirements to lose weight.

? A calorie counting app can save you having to track foods with a pen and paper, and may also be super convenient if it,  as many apps nowadays have, includes a bar-code scanner with a database of foods. This means you can either plan out a day’s food ahead or simply count as you go with ease.

#2 Avoid eating too little

  Under eating can also be an issue too, especially with anyone trying to lose weight.

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Ideally you shouldn’t drop any more calories than necessary to shift the pounds, as if you drop your calories too low, you are going to weaken your metabolism and this will result in potential weight gain later on.

When you are in the dieting mentality, you tend to naturally gravitate to lower calorie options, which in theory is great, but not if you are not eating enough food to begin with.

You want to eat enough calories to be able to maintain your exercise routine and have energy to live your life outside of dieting. It can be very easy to under-eat and not even realise it; an app can help you to remain consistent in your calorie intake so that you can make any necessary changes to those digits accordingly.

#3 Accountability

  There is a lot to be said about having accountability when dieting. You do not need a coach or slimming club to get this, an app can do a similar job mentally.

Seeing what you are eating and hitting your daily goals can be extremely motivating, and it can help you to stay on track for the long haul so that you achieve the best results that you possibly can.

#4 Understand food choices better

  Using an app can help you understand the food choices you make to a greater degree as you can keep a solid record of what you are eating at what meals and the macro-nutrient content of those foods.

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Although it is easy to guess these figures, it is also very easy to lose track of them over the course of a day. As mentioned previously, hidden calories can really hold back your fat and weight loss, and apps can help create an awareness of what these foods are.

? There is no need to cut certain foods out of your diet, but by being aware of their nutritional content you can adjust your portion sizes to suit your needs and goals without them having a negative impact on your weight loss results.

Take home message

  Apps are a great weight loss tool even when not used for the duration of a dieting phase.

Simply becoming more aware of your calorie intake and also the nutritional content of foods will help you to achieve your goals.

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Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Writer and expert
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