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Top 5 Workouts For Rainy Days

Top 5 Workouts For Rainy Days
Monica Green
Content Manager4 years ago
View Monica Green's profile

To quote those three famous words... “winter is coming — and unfortunately, that means a lot of rain is probably on the way too. Especially with gym closures happening, looking at the rain pouring down outside can really put you off getting your workout in and stand in the way of reaching your fitness goals.  

We’ve compiled the top 5 workouts to try the next time the rain puts you off moving your body, and none of them require equipment, so nothing can stand in the way of your workout. 


1. Run in the rain 

If you’ve never tried this, you’ve got a fantastic workout waiting for you. Running in the rain might sound like the worst experience for some, however, it can feel incredibly liberating; especially once your endorphins start pumping. 

The rain is also a brilliant way to help you keep cool on your run, meaning you could end up running even further than usual as there’s no worry of overheating. 

Blast your favourite playlist and pretend like you’re in a movie, all whilst getting your workout in. We promise, it’s one of the best feelings. 


2. Ab circuit 

If you can't bring yourself to venture out into the rain, and you don’t have much time or motivation to do a full-blown session, an ab circuit is perfect. Short and sweet, keep it to 10-15 minutes and you’ll be feeling the burn. 

Avoid the wet weather and get a quick core burner with this. Keep an eye on the weather and try again tomorrow for that run. 

Matt Morsia runs you through a killer ab workout here to have your core destroyed.


Train Abs Like Mattdoesfitness | Work Out From Home

Want abs like Mattdoesfitness? Check out his secret here.

3 years agoBy Monica Green

3. Indoor HIIT 

If you planned on getting some cardio in, but aren’t feeling that run in the rain, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is your best friend. Get your heart pumping with just a half-an-hour session and you won’t regret it. 

Clear some space in your living room (this part is very important if you want to keep your house intact) put on your trainers and get moving. 

Or, if you’d prefer to just put your headphones in and get some music on rather than following a HIIT video online, try using any steps you’ve got in your house to get some HIIT in. Quick bursts of some step-jumps for example, followed by a short rest, is just one way you can use your stairs for your indoor cardio.

Try our HIIT workout below ideal for when you need a workout whilst sheltering from the rain.


HIIT Workout At Home | 15-Minute Workout

This HIIT workout is short, sweet and simple — give it a go and burn those calories.

4 years agoBy Betsy green

4. Yoga 

Queue the Zen. 

A little bit of yoga is the perfect pairing to a rainy day. Focus on the sounds of the rain outside and you’ll feel your mind totally relax. 

Yoga is also the ideal complement to strength training; holding powerful poses challenges your strength as well as your balance and will leave you feeling stronger than ever.  

Sometimes rainy days can make you just want to stay totally cosy, which we think is totally ok. Yoga is perfect to calm the mind and start or finish a cosy rainy day inside.

Try this beginners Yoga session below to get your Yoga flowing.


10 Basic Yoga Exercises For Beginners | Yoga Made Easy

Roll out your yoga mat and discover the benefits yoga has to offer.


5. Dance 

This might be our favourite option. 

You don’t have to put your gym clothes on to get a good workout in. Sometimes just dancing in the kitchen with your favourite playlist blasting and singing as badly and as loudly as you can is all you need, both mentally and physically. 

You can do this workout whilst waiting for your dinner to cook, waiting for your kettle to boil, or just for a mid-day boost. The best way to get a workout in on a miserable day is by doing something that you love, and who doesn’t love dancing (maybe embarrassingly) to their favourite songs.


Take Home Message 

Whether you're looking to get your cardio in with a movie-worthy run in the rain, you want to chill out with some yoga or you just want to dance in the kitchen whilst your dinner cooks; rainy Autumn days don’t have to stand in the way of your workout.  

Especially with gym closures, it’s all about moving in any way that you enjoy.

Looking for some more home workouts?



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Monica Green
Content Manager
View Monica Green's profile
Originally from London, Monica graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Philosophy. After discovering a love for the gym whilst studying, Monica was drawn to weight training which helped her hugely through stressful times as a student. From writing for a popular student site, Monica developed her skills as an author, writing trending feature pieces regularly. She is thrilled to be able to combine her love for writing with her passion for the gym. In her spare time Monica loves to cook, try out new restaurants with friends and explore new walking trails.