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Changes To Our Pricing

Changes To Our Pricing
Monica Green
Content Manager3 years ago
View Monica Green's profile

Our ambition is always to fuel your goals with the highest quality products at the most affordable prices. There are multiple external factors currently affecting the industry globally, such as Covid-19 and Brexit, which has meant a shift in many aspects of the supply chain, including pricing and availability. Due to such issues, and therefore changes with the cost of goods, production and shipping, we've had to make the difficult decision to adjust some prices in line with the industry.

To support our customers through the last year we've absorbed any additional costs, but with no indication of prices settling anytime soon, this has unavoidably led an increase in certain RRPs.

The good news is, adjusting certain prices has meant that we've been able to keep our standards high, whilst still delivering you competitive prices and keep the regular offers and promotions you love across site.

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Monica Green
Content Manager
View Monica Green's profile
Originally from London, Monica graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Philosophy. After discovering a love for the gym whilst studying, Monica was drawn to weight training which helped her hugely through stressful times as a student. From writing for a popular student site, Monica developed her skills as an author, writing trending feature pieces regularly. She is thrilled to be able to combine her love for writing with her passion for the gym. In her spare time Monica loves to cook, try out new restaurants with friends and explore new walking trails.